Scientists & Indigenous groups unite to call for stricter EU trade with Brazil
We are more than 600 scientists in the EU and 300 Brazilian Indigenous groups (represented by APIB and COIAB) who have come together under a common goal: to urge the EU to make trade with Brazil conditional on protecting human rights and the environment.
Unprecedented fires are raging through the Amazon rain forest. This deliberate destruction is threatening Indigenous Peoples’ lives, global climate stability, and wildlife conservation.
As Brazil’s 2nd largest trading partner, the EU has a critical opportunity to put human rights and the environment at the forefront of trade with Brazil.
Our letter published in Science, makes the case that the protection of human rights and the environment must be central to the Mercosur trade deal.
Please contact your local MEP to ask them to support our call.

Scientists in Europe
Over 600 EU scientists in the field of sustainability are co-signatories of our letter with representatives from every country in the European Union, hover over the map for more details.
Brazilian Indigenous Groups
Over 300 Brazilian Indigenous groups have signed our letter, represented by the Coordination of Indigenous Organizations of the Brazilian Amazon and Brazil’s Indigenous People Articulation.
What you can do to help
Ask your local MEP if they support this initiative
Donate to Amazon Frontlines
If you are an EU scientist, please sign our letter by clicking below.
Members of Parliament
supporting our call

Heidi Hautala
Vice President of the European Parliament

Molly Scott Cato

Eric Andrieu

Alyn Smith

Stelios Kouloglou

Bas Eickhout

Julie Ward

Jiří Pospíšil

Maria Noichl

Jude Kirton-Darling

Martina Anderson

Matt Carthy

Erik Marquardt

Clare Daly

Ellie Chowns

Jane Brophy

Alexandra Louise Rosenfield Phillips

Catherine Rowett

Mick Wallace

Anna Cavazzini

Michaela Šojdrová

Marie Toussaint

Niklas Nienaß

István Ujhelyi

Tineke Strik

Dietmar Köster

Marc Tarabella

Gina Dowding

Nikolaj Villumsen

Magid Magid

Kim van Sparrentak

Grace O'Sullivan

Andreas Schieder

Damian Boeselager

Official letter in Science: Make EU trade with Brazil sustainable
The Guardian view on Amazon deforestation: Europe must act to prevent disaster, The Guardian
Make EU trade with Brazil sustainable, BBC
‘Exterminator of the future’: Brazil’s Bolsonaro denounced for environmental assault, The Guardian
Action not just words vital to save Brazil’s rainforests, The Irish Times
Message to the EU: you have the chance to stop fuelling devastation in the Amazon, The Conversation
Europe is contributing to widespread deforestation in Brazil, The Irish Times
EU holds the key to stop the ‘Notre Dame of forests’ from burning, Mongabay
Scientists demand greater action on sustainability in EU trade talks with Brazil, Coupled Project
Academics and Indigenous groups unite to stand up for the natural world, Conservation Bytes
EU-Brazil trade should be more sustainable, 600 scientists say, Euractive
Scientists urge EU to prioritise environment and human rights in trade talks with Brazil, IEG Policy
The EU-Mercosur trade deal negotiations – environmental impacts, EU Policies Think-Tank
The EU should not import Brazilian products linked to deforestation and human rights violations, ZME Science
Politics, trade, and forest conservation, ETH Zurich
Scientists demand greater action on sustainability in EU trade talks with Brazil, Medium
Towards Sustainability in EU-Brazil Trade Negotiations, Sustainability Governance
Science in Action (interview starts @18:35 mins), BBC World Service
Ministro cancela roadshow pela Europa após críticas sobre desmatamento, Jornal do Brasil
Pressão externa, Veja (Paywall)
Revista Veja (Print edition)
Manifesto pede à Europa que negociações com Brasil sejam condicionadas à sustentabilidade, Jornal Hoje, Globo
Cientistas pedem que Europa condicione comércio com Brasil à proteção ambiental, Bom Dia Brazil, Globo
602 cientistas pedem que Europa condicione importações do Brasil a cumprimento de compromissos ambientais, BBC News Brazil
Cientistas europeus exigem que respeito aos povos indígenas seja base de acordo com Brasil, Instituto SocioAmbiental
Cientistas e índios se unem para pedir à UE pressão comercial sobre Brasil, Observatorio Do Clima
Cientistas europeus pedem que UE condicione compra de produtos brasileiros a compromissos ambientais, DW
Mais de 600 cientistas pedem que UE pressione Bolsonaro contra desmatamento no Brasil, El País
O que diz a carta de cientistas estrangeiros sobre o Brasil, Nexo
Manifesto assinado por 600 cientistas pede que Europa pare de ‘importar desmatamento’ do Brasil, Globo
“Não somos pautados por artigo de revista nenhuma”, diz Ricardo Salles, Veja
Centenas de cientistas e indígenas apelam à UE contra desmate da Amazônia, Exame
Manifesto assinado por 602 cientistas pede que Europa pare de ‘importar desmatamento’ do Brasil, Época Negócios
No agro, a generalização é um grande risco na comunicação, Canal Rural
Cientistas estrangeiros pedem à União Europeia restrição do comércio com o Brasil por violações ambientais, Congresso em Foco
600 cientistas europeus pedem que União Europeia cobre do Brasil respeito ao meio ambiente e indígenas, O Bom da Notícia
Cómo perjudica a América Latina la elogiada agricultura verde de Europa, BBC Mundo
L’appel des scientifiques à l’UE pour protéger les peuples indigènes et l’environnement au Brésil, La Libre
Lettre ouverte contre la déforestation au Brésil, Université Angers
Wissenschaftler fordern Regenwald-Rettung, DW
Indigene und Forscher alarmiert: Schutz von Brasiliens Regenwald gefordert, Tagesschau
Europa ist mitschuldig an der Umweltzerstörung in Brasilien, Humboldt University, Berlin
Hunderte Forscher schicken Präsident Bolsonaro offenen Brief, Spiegel (*note: our letter is directed to the EU, not Bolsonaro)
Politik & Wirtschaft, APA
EU-Freihandelsabkommen mit Brasilien: 600 Wissenschaftler drängen auf Nachhaltigkeit, Euractive
EU-Handel auf Kosten der Umwelt und indigener Völker, University of Vienna
Volunteer Organizing Team
Dr. Laura Kehoe, University of Oxford, UK
Tiago Reis, Université Catholique de Louvain, Belgium
Dr. Malika Virah-Sawmy, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Germany
Prof. Tobias Kuemmerle, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Germany
Dr. Mike Clark, University of Oxford, UK
Czino, Web Designer, Spain
Sara Lucena, Graphic Designer, Spain
Tanja Jensen, Motion Graphics, Denmark
Nicolai Cryer, Data Scientist, Denmark
Send us an email: